Tuesday, November 12, 2019

An exhortation from 2 Timothy Chapter 4

To “Fulfill Your Ministry” (vv. 1-5), God does not only give each of us a specific assignment, He also equips us for it. While we serve Him, God expects us to be faithful—to remain on task and not be distracted. In other words, we must put our hand on the plow and press on toward the goal. 

Sometimes, it is tempting to wish we could do God's service as good as so and so. Other times, one might say, “If I only had such and such gifts or resources, I would serve the Lord.”  What we need to realize is that God wants us to do our part. Even in this final chapter of 2 Timothy, 

The apostle Paul named some co-laborers about whom we know nothing; yet they too had a ministry to fulfill. A young preacher once complained to Charles Spurgeon, the famous British preacher of the 1800s, that he did not have as big a church as he deserved. “How many do you preach to?” Spurgeon asked. “Oh, about a hundred,” the man replied. Solemnly Spurgeon said, “That will be enough to give account for on the day of judgment.” We do not measure the fulfillment of a ministry only on the basis of statistics or on what people see. We realize that faithfulness is important, and that God sees the heart. This was why Timothy had to be “sober in all things” (2 Tim. 4:5 NASB) and carry on his ministry with seriousness of purpose. (Wiersbe, 2007, p. 783)

Let us be grateful for the opportunities we get to serve the Lord as He directs our steps. Let us all heed this exhortation: “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31, NIV). May God help us to do everything without arguing or complaining. Soli Deo Gloria!

Wiersbe, W. W. (2007). The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: New Testament. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook., p. 783.