Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Hymn Story, on STEPPING IN THE LIGHT, by William Petersen

There are at least two reasons why Eliza Hewitt wrote this gospel song. As a thirty-six-year-old schoolteacher in Philadelphia, she was struck with a heavy slate by one of her students and suffered severe spinal injuries. After being confined to her home throughout the winter, she was permitted by her doctor to take short walks outside during the spring.  

Being able to get out into the spring sunshine did much for her spirits. It also was an inspiration for her songwriting. It was then that she wrote “There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today” and, two years later, “Stepping in the Light.” You can imagine the delight she felt as she took each slow step in the sunshine. “How beautiful to walk,” she writes, and it was especially beautiful for her.

A second reason behind this song is that during her convalescence she spent time studying the promises of God in Scripture. “Live as people of light,” Paul told the Ephesians, “and carefully determine what pleases the Lord.” Eliza spent a long time “trying to walk.”

Scriptures: Ephesians 5:8-9; Colossians 2:6; 1 John 1:7
Themes: Light, Obedience, Christlikeness

Lyrics of the Hymn:

Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior,
Trying to follow our Savior and King;
Shaping our lives by His blessed example,
Happy, how happy, the songs that we bring.  

How beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior,
Stepping in the light, stepping in the light;
How beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior, led in paths of light. 

Pressing more closely to Him who is leading,
When we are tempted to turn from the way;
Trusting the arm that is strong to defend us,
Happy, how happy, our praises each day. 

Walking in footsteps of gentle forbearance,
Footsteps of faithfulness, mercy, and love,
Looking to Him for the grace freely promised,
Happy, how happy, our journey above. 

Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior,
Upward, still upward we’ll follow our Guide;
When we shall see Him, “the King in His beauty,”
Happy, how happy, our place at His side.


Reference for the Hymn:
Petersen, William. The Complete Book of Hymns (p. 190-191). Tyndale House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

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